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Deconstruction And The Paralysis Of Postmodernity

Metamodernism: A Path Forward for the Humanities

Deconstruction and the Paralysis of Postmodernity

Philosopher and social scientist WEB Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm argues that postmodern deconstruction has reached an impasse, leaving the humanities and social sciences paralyzed in a state of endless critique. Deconstruction has successfully challenged traditional hierarchies and assumptions, but it has also undermined the possibility of building new knowledge or offering positive alternatives.

Metamodernism: A Higher-Order Structure

Storm proposes metamodernism as a solution to the paralysis of postmodernity. Metamodernism is characterized by a return to meaning-making and the possibility of knowledge, while also maintaining a critical awareness of the limitations of all narratives. It represents a higher-order structure that transcends the opposition between modernism and postmodernism.

Radicalizing and Moving Beyond Deconstruction

Josephson Storm's call is to radicalize and move beyond the deconstructive projects that have dominated recent academic discourse. Metamodernism offers a path forward by acknowledging both the strengths and limitations of deconstruction and opening up new avenues for research and scholarship.

Intersectionality and the Future of Theory

Storm's work specializes in the intersection of philosophy, social science, and literature. His most recent publication, "Metamodernism: The Future of Theory," explores the potential of metamodernism to revitalize the humanities and social sciences.

Activism through Metamodern Theory and Praxis

Beyond his theoretical work, Storm and his colleagues have launched Metamodern Theory Praxis, a journal dedicated to advancing scholarship and activism. This journal aims to foster a community of researchers and practitioners who are working towards a more just and sustainable world.


WEB Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm's metamodernism is a timely and bold proposal for moving beyond the limitations of postmodern deconstruction. By embracing both meaning and critique, metamodernism offers a path forward for the humanities and social sciences, enabling them to once again engage in the transformative work of creating knowledge and fostering positive social change.
