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Denmark Population 1936

Denmark's Population: A Historical Perspective

Limited Research and Recent Growth

Despite the limited research on Denmark's population history, recent data indicates significant growth. In 2022, the population reached 5,882,261, marking a 0.48% increase from the previous year.

Population Dynamics

The population of Denmark has been steadily growing over the past century. In 2020, it reached 5.8 million, a notable increase from previous years.

Demographic Distribution

The distribution of the population within Denmark varies significantly. Urban areas, particularly Copenhagen, house a large proportion of the population, while rural areas have a lower population density.

Historical Influences

The population of Denmark has been shaped by various historical events, including border changes and immigration. The border drawn in 1920 created Danish and German minority populations in both countries.

Current Trends

In recent years, Denmark has experienced an influx of immigrants, contributing to its population growth. The country's immigration policies continue to influence the demographic landscape and raise questions about integration and social cohesion.
